Learn skills that will help during a disaster!
It’s time for another basic CERT Class, and we still have spaces available for this nationally certified course.
The next basic CERT Class is being scheduled for the first three Saturdays in May (4th, 11th, and 16th). These classes will be all day training from 8 am to 5 pm. You must attend all of the classes to receive national certification.
The schedule will be as follows:
May 4th: morning – Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness / afternoon – Unit 2: Utility and Fire safety
May 11th: morning – Units 3 & 4: Disaster Medical Operations / afternoon – Unit 5: Light Search and Rescue
May 18th: morning – Units 6, 7, & 8: CERT Organization, Psychology, Terrorism / afternoon – Final Exercise An hour will be allotted for lunch each day, and you may use our refrigerator if you wish to bring your lunch. Soda, water, and coffee will be provided. Email Christopher Carroll, CERT Coordinator, at Christopher.carroll@kcmo.org or call 816-513-8603 by FRIDAY, MAY 3rd, if you are interested in attending this session or have any questions. Also, let us know if you have a friend/relative who lives or works in Kansas City, MO and would be interested. We can save them a seat if the class is not full. A formal agenda with other paperwork will be sent out by the end of the week. Thank you for your interest in helping yourself, your family, and/or your community! We look forward to seeing you in class!