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Learn more about Question 1 on April's Ballot

Updated: Mar 28, 2019

Many questions surrounding the Mayor's sales tax increase (Question 1) on April's ballot. We held a Town Hall about it and saved the video here:

The full plan can be found here-

The Kansas City Star article does a good job of outlining all of the proponents for this tax here-

Many groups who have supported the Mayor's initiatives in the past are opposed to this plan due to it's regressive nature and perceived inequities with regards to HOW the discounts are handed out.

One video put out by the group here explains their concerns with the current plan:

Here is another one they did to demonstrate the inequity part more clearly-

Voters will be asked to decide on April 2nd along with their top two mayoral candidates of choice. Many of the candidates are opposed to this plan with Jolie Justus being the only candidate who has been actively promoting it in support.

We created a detailed compilation of Mayoral candidates and their various positions here-

UPDATE 3/28/19- The Kansas City Star has now published their endorsement for a "NO VOTE" on Question 1-

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