KC Water to Hold Public Meeting on Rules and Regulations for Water Service Lines, Water Main Extensions and Relocations, and Sewer Service Lines
KC Water proposes to revise Rules and Regulations for Water Service Lines and Rules and Regulations for Water Main Extensions and Relocations; and to establish Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service Lines. Revisions to Rules and Regulations for Water Service Lines and Rules and Regulations for Water Main Extensions and Relocations are proposed to formalize use of the City of Kansas City, Mo., Compass KC online platform for plan submittal and review and to clarify language used in the rules and regulations. Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service Lines are being established in the same format as water service line rules and regulations to provide familiarity to the regulated community; to provide for orderly growth of the City's sewer system, and to assure equitable treatment to all citizens who have transactions with KC Water.
A draft of all three proposed Rules and Regulations and a summary of major changes and provisions of each are posted at www.kcwater.us/projects/rulesandregulations.
Virtual Public Meeting
What: Proposed KC Water Rules and Regulations When: Monday, Feb. 7, 2022, 1 p.m. CST Where: “Public Meeting for Rules and Regulations” link at www.kcwater.us/projects/rulesandregulations Phone: 872-212-5076 (toll), Conference ID 783 582 256# Comments also may be submitted in writing via email to Travis W Kiefer, P.E., at Travis.Kiefer@kcmo.org; or by mail or delivery to Travis W Kiefer, P.E., Permitting & Development Divisions Head, KC Water, City Hall 5th Floor (East), 414 E 12th St., Kansas City, MO 64106. Written comments must be received at KC Water by 5 p.m., CST, Wednesday, March 9, 2022. To obtain a paper copy of the draft rules and regulations or for further information, contact Travis Kiefer at 816-513-2139 or travis.kiefer@kcmo.org Any person with a disability desiring reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting may contact the 311 Action Center at 311, 816-513-1313, TTY 513-1889 or by email at actioncenter@kcmo.org.