Judy Swope Good Neighbor Award – Given to a neighborhood volunteer who has provided a high level of service to his or her neighborhood in South Kansas City over an extended period. Outstanding Neighborhood Organization Award – Given to a neighborhood organization or homes association that has not only provided a high level of service to its residents but also has contributed to improving South Kansas City over an extended period. Alvin Brooks Lifetime Service Award – Given to an individual who has provided a lifetime of service to improving South Kansas City or to a South Kansas City resident who has provided similar service to the entire city or metropolitan area. Outstanding Community Service Award – Given to an individual who has provided leadership in the public, private or non-profit sector to improve South Kansas City. Outstanding Government Service Award – Given to an individual who has excelled in his or her position with a federal, state or local government agency to improve South Kansas City. Outstanding Public Safety Service Award - Given to an individual who has gone beyond the duties of his or her position to make South Kansas City a safer community or who has performed lifesaving service or an act of heroism. Outstanding Educational Achievement Program Award – Given to an educational program that has achieved exceptional results in improving student motivation and achievement. Good Corporate Citizenship Award – Given to a company that has demonstrated good corporate citizenship by giving back to the South Kansas City community beyond just creating jobs and investing in our community. Outstanding Young Achiever Award – Given to a student or young adult who has provided outstanding community service to improve South Kansas City or to a South Kansas City student or young adult who has provided similar service to the entire city or metropolitan area.