Please join us for our next general meeting happening this Saturday, May 7th, 10am, AT THE WALDO LIBRARY!!!
That's right, we are finally getting back to in-person meeting with the opening of the Waldo Library meeting rooms.
Not only that, but our special in-person guest will be Randy Alewine, P.E. who is the District Engineer D4, D6; for Kansas City MO Public Works (and Mario Vasquez's replacement). Randy will be on hand to speak about the roads in Waldo, plans for repaving and can help answer other infrastructure questions we might have.
We're expecting to have coffee and refreshments. Can't wait to SEE y'all!
Please note the Kansas City Library's Covid Policy:
Masks are optional inside Library buildings.
Food and Drink: Patrons may have drinks with lids and small snacks in designated areas.
Visitors must comply with occupancy limits for Library buildings and spaces.
Patrons should follow instructions provided by Library staff relative to safe use of our facilities.
Feeling sick? Please don’t visit for now and help keep everyone healthy. We’ll see you once you’re well!
Please send agenda requests to